Credit Suisse - Entrepreneurs help young Enterpreneurs

Teilnehmende des CS Unternehmer helfen Jungunternehmer Event hören Keynote Speaker zu

30. October 2024 @ 18.00 -  21.30

Yes, we believe in young companies! That is why we are happy to offer them a platform. On 30th October 2024, the event «Entrepreneurs help young Entrepreneurs» will once again take place in Bern. The event is a Credit Suisse project to actively support young companies in their first steps.

Especially in the start-up phase, young companies face countless challenges. The most important things in this period are know-how, a well-developed network and the necessary resources so that the market entry becomes a success and the company can exist in the long term.

With the event «Entrepreneurs help young Entrepreneurs», start-ups are to be actively supported in their first steps. First and foremost, it is not about financial support, but that young entrepreneurs can get valuable tips from experienced entrepreneurs, benefit from the enormous wealth of experience and further expand their network. The Entrepreneur Desk Mittelland therefore regularly brings together successful entrepreneurs with four start-up companies and thus provides a framework in which this valuable exchange of knowledge is made possible.

At the beginning, all four start-ups present their business idea and give information about the market, their value proposition as well as the opportunities and challenges they are currently facing. This will be followed by an aperitif and an exchange between the experienced and the young.

Start-up Companies

Inverto Earth

Provides innovative solutions to invert the loss of trees, mangroves and insects.

Learn more

Inverto Earth

LEM Surgical

Focuses on launching robotic surgery platforms that benefit the healthcare system and improve clinical outcomes.


LEM Surgical


Builds autonomous electric vehicles for efficient, sustainable last-mile deliveries.

Learn more



Offers a subscription-based platform for renting organic baby clothing.

Learn more

Teilnehmende des CS Unternehmer helfen Jungunternehmer Event hören Keynote Speaker zu

Sign up now for the «Entrepreneurs help young Entrepreneurs».

06.00 pm Welcome drink
06.15 pm Welcome and Heads Up Welcome
06.40 pm Start-ups introduction
07.40 pm Alumni Presentation
07.50 pm Discussion
08.00 pm Apéro riche
09.30 pm End


Wednesday, 30.10.2024



06.00 - 09.30 pm



isolutions, Schanzenstrasse 4c, 3008 Bern